What Are You Doing To Stop The Spread?
12/7/2020 (Permalink)

As California Faces Its Second Shut Down
Let us take inventory of our actions over the course of the last several weeks and see what part we are all playing, as Business Owner's, in this pandemic.
Have we remained open for business?
What safety measures have you employed to protect your workers? Temp Checks, Ample supply of PPE, Hand Sanitizer etc...
What safety measures have we employed to ensure the safety of our Customers? Enforced masks, provided sanitizer and encouraged use, had store cleaning routine of high touch surfaces etc...
What measures have we taken with our merchandise and building? Are we routinely cleaning and disinfecting items that are frequently touched? steaming and disinfecting textiles like clothes and blankets? Are we cleaning, disinfecting and fogging all surfaces and filtering the air?
With Covid-19 there are so many variables that we are not in control of but that does not mean we do not take action in the areas that we are in control of.
If you need some help developing a covid-19 maintenance plan..
Contact us today!!
We can help you build a plan that is best for your business and customers but is also within your budget. It can replace or work in conjunction with your regular cleaning or janitorial service so you are not paying for double services.
Collectively we have 3 weeks to get things under control so WE MUST START NOW!
Calll 951-922-2900 today to book your
no-cost-to-you assessment and quote